Monday, September 19, 2011

Project #2

Edit: After class Tuesday I realized I need to narrow down my topic. I will now be focusing on video game wiki pages. The 3 are:
World of Warcraft
I will no longer be doing the texts below.

For Project 2 I'm going to focus on video games.

My first is actually video which can be viewed here. The company who is producing this is game is a huge company and this is the 5th or 6th game in the series. In these videos they demonstrate the difference and new feature in the game. They focus on differences and complexity of the new game.

The next text is sub-site on (aka sub-reddit) found here. Reddit is pretty much a group of 3 million users, all with the same inside jokes. In the Gaming sub-reddit, people share funny, new, exciting, odd things and the community eats it up and loves it. The group who uses reddit is usual younger and more tech-savy folks. This text is very much community bases and is driven by the community.

Notch started working for himself as a game developer full-time about a year or so ago. His creation and baby is Minecraft. The text we're looking at is Notch's Twitter (here). Notch is HUGELY popular on the internet and has probably the largest group of internet followers. This text is different from all the rest because it is limited to a certain number of character, it comes straight from the design developer himself, and its instantly sent to tons of people. Notch also often replies to people who tweet at him. Notch helps make himself approachable with his twitter.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sequence: Response

1) Air, birds, words, more words. Earth, city, words, more words. Water, words, eye, more words, thing floating to bottom.

2) This is kinda a weird one because you can go through it in any order.

3) I think the designer times everything to move the viewer through the piece of work. From point A to point B.

Framing: Response

1) The lines make it easy to see everything makes the viewer's eye move to the blonde. Other lines you could add would be perspective lines that follow the lines in the side walk. The girl is even almost in the middle of those lines too.

2) Another frame could be foreground and background. The setting is in the middle of the city. Looks like there is construction in the background, meaning there are hardworking men around.

3) In black and white, the first thing I look at the the 3rd person. He provides contrast and even with all the lines the contrast is stronger. In color the girl's hair add pop and draws the eye.

Color: Response

1) The emphasis is on the girl. It is there because she is in the middle of the frame and the darkest dark is in her hair and the light white is in her skin, the contrast draws the eye.

2) I honestly don't do good with color, since I am colorblind but, I think the emphasis is on what the girl is grabbing for. The girl is still the first thing the eye goes for, then my eye moves to what she is grabbing. The color effects the emphasis because now the different things on the table have contrast where as before they were all similar shades of black.

3) I can't even look at this. I look at all the wrong things, like the couch in the back and what not. I'd say this last picture has little meaning and is not pleasing to look at and think about.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Proximity: Repond

1) I chose the highest contrast fonts. The title was the big artistic font and the other one was the medium professional font.

2) The most important thing is "a novel about flight." This informs the reader on what the book is about and if they are interested enough to open in.

3) Limitation are white space. White space needs to be on the page so the view's eyes go from one thing to the next.

Alignment: Response

1) Because when the word "murmuring" first comes into view it is not straight but the word insect is. The word insect is strong making the view who is interested in insects more attracted to the ad and causes them to what more information.

2) My browser is not changing scenes.

Organization: Response

1) I'd start with the fist, saying it means war. Then I'd choose the guy smoking because he's young and would be drafted. After that I'd choose the bar code on the bottom of the foot, signalling how he has the devil in hidden places of this life. Then I'd go with middle picture because of all the trash in his life. Then the angle for death.

2) Yes, there are many arguments.

3) Yes, I could play a sad song that will make everything think of our troops.

Contrast: Response

The speaker is so distracting. It contrasts too much. The text emphasis is nice because it gives your eye something to follow. The visuals in the movie are not very simulating and the voice of the speaker is horrible. The colors that are in the worlds are also in the background. the textbox is lighter than the words so it does create contrast between the too, but they still fit into the movie and belong.

2) The contrast with just a black ground helps the view not think about the cartoon and the story but gets them to focus back on themselves and the real world. The black background removes the cartoon story and makes the idea real.

3) My flier would have the huge sack of money image on it. I'd go into detail with words about what JUMP is and what it can do for you. The huge sack of money would draw people in and then the words would get the point across.

Emphasis: Respond

1) The view's attention is draw to the text because it is then only thing that is not busy. The background is full of stuff, different shapes and colors. The back text on the solid page make it pop out in the middle of the chaos. The text is somewhat effective, I did not realize this movie was a title page. I would have liked to see the title bigger and maybe a few frames of it with the words wiggling or animated slightly. The title came and went just too fast.

2) The pause give the viewer a second to see the words. What the artist had drawn emphasized a certain word and the pause aloud the view to see what that emphasized word was. The pause kinda throws off the flow of the movie. Yes, it made the viewer focus on what was emphasized but, it could have been done a little better.

3) The music is all stop and go loops. There is no length to the notes, just like there is no length to the frames. Both the visual and audio have the same rhythmic sense. As far as emotions, its not super dark and not super happy. I really didn't feel much emotion at all from it mostly because there was no build. It was the same few second loop for only 14 seconds.